so here I am suddenly and finally with my own sweet little site not all done but on it´s way showing you new and old photos giving you a glimpse of my summer feelings family + love + light I´m so so happy and thrilled and proud I´m just a big smile yes also tired from...
outside the sun is shiningmy garden is green and in full bloomthe sound of happy kids playing in the waterthe smell of sunscreeneating slow food under the umbrellasummer has arrivedinside souvenirs from Londontea packaging so niceI had to cut them outfor displayI hope...
Together with sweet family and friendsLovely Ebeltoft Amazing AarhusSuch a wonderful weekSuch a wonderful summer{ S U M M E R S M I L E S }
It´s been summerfor some daysI´ve spent most of my time outsideIn my gardenNursing my plants Watching the kids play& laughPure joy{ S W E E T * S M I L E } Thereforless time in front of my Mac+ less time for my bloggless time for everythingactuallybesides forjust...
WelcomeTo my porch{ S M I L E }It´s high summerBut I can feel itIt´s lurking Sneaking around the cornerIt´s melancholicThe wind is like musicEarly fallMy favorite time{ L O V E }