I cut my hairShortFeels good{ S M I L E }Then; A great big thank youTo youFor visitingFor followingFor leaving a commentEven if I don´t give you one back(so sorry for that)Just want you to knowit means a lot to me{ L O V E }
{ N O T j i m m y C H O O }

{ N O T j i m m y C H O O }

But still new shoesAlma´s new “ko – ko”(Norwegian for shoes is “sko”)Not that methe momwould minda pair or twoof Jimmy Choo{ S M I L E }I had some fun in PhotoShopDo you like?{ ? }At the enda great big !!THANK YOU!!2. by FRYDout for a...


Your sweet words & thoughtsIt all went so well{ S M I L E }I´m sorry for the lack of posts latelyIt´s just that I have been so busyteaching – freelancing – presentations – photo shoots – ezine 2. by FRYD+ secretsLots of love on a late...
{ S E L I N A L A K E }

{ S E L I N A L A K E }

Remember I wonThe wonderful book- R O M A N T I C   S T Y L E -by Selina LakeIf you like a bit of romance in your interiorThis is the book for youI love the style,the colors,the photos,the ideasThank you Selina{ L O V E }
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Thank you so much for voting for meI wonMy bedroom wonThanks to you!!{ S M I L E }Thank you NIB For doing thisThank you Linneas HageFor the first priceA Jielde Signal lampSo so nice!I can´t wait for it to light up my desk{ L O V E }