On my way to present
My work
My photos
My blog
My thoughts
{ B U T T E R F L I E S }
Of I go to Gulset Church
and their culture evenings
I´m in good company
with pianist
Eyolf Dale
This is way to scary!
On my way to present
My work
My photos
My blog
My thoughts
{ B U T T E R F L I E S }
Of I go to Gulset Church
and their culture evenings
I´m in good company
with pianist
Eyolf Dale
This is way to scary!
GOOOOD LUCK! xox dunja
uiii, good luck! :)
Lykke til!
Good Luck! :-)
Al held og lykke.
– Å??? Det er jo ikke langt unna krabbelure-land…he..he..
Nå ble jeg veldig nysgjerrig! Type foredrag med musikkakkompagnement liksom…? Fortell, fortell!
Lykke til! Jeg er sikker på at det går strålende. Skulle gjerne ha vært blant publikum selv;) Gleder meg til helgen!
wishing you lots of luck! x
LYCKA TILL!!!!!!!!
I hope everything went well for you, Jeanette. :) Let us know! XO
LOVE love love this! :) so pretty.