good morning
and congratulation to USA and Obama!
// s m i l e
It´s been less activity here on the blog
and I´ve missed being here
sometimes my time and energy
just wont last
but I think
I´m back on the flow
I hope you all are doing great!
Jeanette xox
Yay for Obama! :)
happy you’re back on the flow with pale pictures :)
thank you Ingrid :) must admit from the pictures the flow looks pretty weak. But I really think I got the blogging energy back!
Fina bilder!
Kan du avsløre hvor du har funnet den fine lyspæra som henger på det ene bildet? :)
Det kan jeg Gunnhild :)
På en vanlig lampe butikk, tror det var Christiania Belysning.
God helg!
J :)